·         Thursday, 31 January 2008

Home from the Dog-Walk with a Rock in my Pocket.

Each morning as Miss Zia and I make our rounds, I carry home a rock.  I toss it under the tree by the back door. 


The pile is growing. 


Each rock represents time spent happily walking, thinking, praying, meditating under the bright blue, New Mexico skies. As I add a stone to the pile, I say a quiet prayer of gratitude for the opportunity to live and breathe and be in the moment.


The rocks remind me of this small, daily joy.  What is life about, if it is not about acknowledging joy?



I pause to place a small white stone atop the pile and then turn to watch Miss Zia doing a happy doggie-dance. She is exhilarated by our morning walk and leaps and bounds and lets her tongue loll.  Her spirit fills my heart.


 I breathe in the fresh air and am ready to start another amazing day of living.


·         Sunday, 27 January 2008

Reading Camino Blogs…”Now I am Living!”

This excerpt below is written by someone who has lived…since taking his fiddle on a 1,000 kilometer trek on the Camino de Santiago, he has recently been diagnosed with leukemia.  I spent my Sunday Am engrossed in his Camino journal.  Following is a brief excerpt…


El Camino. The Road. It is a metaphor for a spiritual voyage; but it is also a very real, very physical path. It is a hot, dusty line slicing through a parched landscape, a cobblestone lane through a medieval village, the hard, concrete shoulder of a bleak highway. It is continuous, unbroken, yet changing. The one constant is the sound of footsteps – the heartbeat of the pilgrimage......


(Below is a description of a pilgrim he met on the way…there are many amusing, insightful word pictures of fellow pilgrims in his narrative.  I just liked  his observations about this particular man…I like his phrase: “Now, I am living!” … it is how I have felt walking along the Black Sea in Kerch and at dawn, watching the sun crest over the snowcapped mountains here in Santa Fe…it is what I feel when I say “Life is good.”  Life is good….and I am eager to walk this pilgrimage…Like life, you do it one step at a time.)


…There is Michel, a very charming retired French doctor, who is doing the Camino because he figures he has had such a charmed and happy life, that he wants to reflect on it and give thanks. I am sure that his life was stress, beepers, emergencies, etc. But now, he has a very Zen attitude. He walks every day, not booking accommodations, living simply and in the moment. We have shared some good walking time with Michel. He always says “Now, I am living!” …




There are photos, of course, and there are audio and video clips – listen to sleepers snoring in the crowded hostel where pilgrim sleep inches apart in triple-decker bunks!  8-) 


Another site to visit – the 2 slide shows (about 400 photos) give one a window into the pilgrimage…




Like most things in life, people who hear about our trek to Santiago either get it or they don’t; to date, we’ve only had a few people who have reacted negatively, and to be honest, I think it’s more about where they are in their lives than anything else. By far, most people speak enviously of this journey or with great encouragement.

 Some folks think we’re brave to go without an income for three months (we’re selling a car!), to set out with a bare minimum of possessions (less than 8 kilos), no planned itinerary and only a sketchy idea of the route. All I can say is that people have been walking the same path for over 1,000 years and most seemed to have found the way and survived, and from what I’ve heard from people I’ve met who have walked the Camino, it’s the journey itself - with all its twists and turns/ups and downs - which is the important thing.

Also, to be honest, what’s the challenge of hiking 750 kms across Northern Spain compared to sitting in an intensive care unit watching, waiting, hoping, praying, over a critically ill newborn? Hiking is a piece of cake - rain or snow or heat, compared to that experience….

…Let me quote a certain 11 (!) year old: “You can’t organize the camino, it organizes you.”…


Following is a forum where one can get input or ask questions…wish I had more time to explore today, but as my mother used to say, “Always eave something to come back for.”






(Links don’t work?  Try cutting and pasting them!)


·         Saturday, 26 January 2008

More on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela..

WE made a quick stop at the new library and explored for the hour we had before the Habitat for Humanity dedication ceremony that was our destination.  I have a stack of novels on my bedside table and ore books on the bench at my desk so I did not check out any books.  On the way out, on a whim, I stopped in the Friends of the Library used book shop and immediately Shirley MacLaine’s book “The Camino” came to my attention.  I put down my dollar and began poking through the book.


How interesting that the idea of walking the Camino de Santiago, an idea which has been fermenting in my head for several days, was reawakened by a chance encounter and now today, this rather obscure paperback narrating a mature woman’s trek on the very same pilgrimage jumps out and begs to be bought!


·         Friday, 25 January 2008

Called AGAIN!

Once again I have been called for jury duty back in sunny SC.  This makes at least FIVE times since February 2002.  I reported for selection twice and spent long hours waiting only to not be selected.  The first time I actually got a parking ticket for saying too long in a parking place – I walked from the courthouse and watched as the ticket was slipped under my windshield wiper.  (To add insult to injury, the small stipend they offer went to the high school because I was employed there at the time!


I have not even lived in SC since February 2005, yet I have been summoned more than FIVE times!.  My house sitter, Gentle-Jim e-mailed me the latest notice.  I will get on the phone tomorrow and explain that I am here in Santa Fe with AmeriCorps *VISTA, but I maintain a home of record and pay taxes (rather high taxes in fact) in SC.


Oddly, Mark has never been summoned.


Watched “Eraserhead”…

I saw this film about 15 years ago (as part of a college seminar on dreaming) Images from it have haunted me. 


I did not understand it then and I thought perhaps I had matured and learned things that would help me fit together the bigger picture. 


Wrong.  What an odd film.  It has a disturbing background soundtrack that is disconcerting and suits the imagery I guess. 


I am puzzled by the film and at a loss for any really rational interpretation of the loose story line…it is about sexuality, suicide, despair…but I can draw no conclusions not contribute any insight into why people give it a 5 star rating on the NETFLIX site. 


I want my 90 minutes or so back.  I could have washed my hair.


·         Wednesday, 23 January 2008

The small fire banked inside my soul is sparked.

It is unexpected and therefore more of a miracle.  An idea fires me up – inside the flames lick me, warm me, inspire me.


The usual cool, starry night inside me becomes a bright warm place.  The fire dances, teases …demands my attention.


My skin almost burns.


My thoughts, like moths, fly and flutter, and draw near the light and warmth.


What is all this inspiration?

I spent much of Tuesday at a recruiting venue in the NM Statehouse.  Next to me sat a man who had walked the 500-mile pilgrimage across Northern Spain along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.  I spent the day listening and asking questions and being very grateful for the synchronicity of this chance encounter.


Now my senses are raised and I am motivated, inspired and eager to formulate a plan.  I am trying to remain calm- to allow a plan to unfold.  Thirty days in Northern Spain – walking 16-18 miles each day…I want to experience the walk.


The seed for this long-held desire has been dormant for a few years, but this sudden burst of warmth has made the seed sprout and begin its search for true sunlight and to feel the rains that will nurture it.


This trek will happen…

·         Sunday, 20 January 2008

A Brazen Blue Bird is Spying on Me…

I sit at my laptop here in the kitchen sipping coffee and reading e-mail from friends and family around the world.  E-mail is such a magical thing.  It opens so many windows into the lives of people I love.


I am engaged in a reply when I hear a loud thunk.  I turn to the expanse of windows that looks out on the Koi pond.  I see a large blue bird looking puzzled (or dazed).  He regroups, regains his dignity and flies away.


I return to my tap, tap, tapping with a smile on my face.


A few moments later my peripheral vision catches a bit of movement outside.  I glance at the window and again, I see the large blue bird.  He is investigating the window.  Inside are a collection of about 15 green plants.  It appears he can see the greenery and would like to come inside, out of the cold wintry air.


Soon a bevy of birds join him.  A couple of the more brave (or more foolish or more curious?) birds peer in at me.  They cock their heads and press one bright eye to the glass for a moment and then hop off to a safer distance.


The birds continue their window dance in the bright crisp sunlight for about an hour.


How amusing they are.  (Am I equally amusing to them?)


How grateful I am for the world just outside my window. 


How grateful I am for the window other window – the one in front of me.  My computer screen fills with small dancing letters as I share this little story and allows me yet anther view outside my own experience…


·         Thursday, 17 January 2008

The Days Fly by in a Way they Never did in Ukraine.

Last year at this time we were buried under gray skies and cold, cold, cold of the Ukrainian winter.  Without the blessing of a car or a washing machine and the erratic nature of water and heat due to the infrastructure challenges in post-Soviet countries, we spent many quiet hours snuggled on our couch in our one room flat.  There was a timeless quality about the days.  They seemed to drift by.  One day bled into the next.


Back in the USA, our lives seem overscheduled.  We seem to have little time to do the things we want to do.  Despite all the usual conveniences, designed to make life easier, the to-do list never gets shorter.  We rise earlier, we stay up later.


How is that?  Why is that?


I have learned over the years, how to say NO to things that, while worthwhile, may not fit into my life at the moment. 


It is more than the actual agenda of life; it is more about the attitude toward life.  Our culture shapes us and, in my experience, it seems as though in the USA, our value is measured by how “busy” we are.


This is an off the cuff observation.  No research supports it (as far as I know).  This is my disclaimer.  I am just thinking-aloud, through my fingers…


·         Thursday, 10 January 2008

My Package Finally Arrived!

When I returned from my early morning dog walk, I saw the package leaning against the gate, inside the fence.  I must have missed seeing the package on my way out, but there it was. My pace quickened, despite the ice under my feet. 


I was as delighted as a kid to see that package. 


I had a momentary flash to a time decades ago when my (then) young son waited weeks and weeks and weeks for a delayed Christmas gift.  Every day as Caleb slammed the door behind him when he rushed in from school he asked, “Is it here yet?  Is it finally here?”


It was quite a relief when that long-ago package finally arrived. And even more of a relief when the contents proved as satisfying to Caleb as he dreamed it would be.


I happily grabbed my package.  With Zia-dog tugging me onward and the package in my other arm, I made my way up the precarious, icy road to the house.  


Once in the cozy kitchen I sat down on the bench by the fire and ripped open my belated Christmas gift to myself. 


Simple Pleasures - The Happy-Pants-Dance!

There they were - brand new jeans – black jeans! 


In moments I stripped off my ratty dog-walking jeans and slipped on the new black jeans. 


They fit like a glove. 


I felt like doing a little dance. 


I did a little dance.  I did the happy-pants-dance!


The dog barked and jumped around, sliding on the kitchen floor.  I laughed.


Who knew that this gift to myself would please me so much!  They must be magic pants! 


·         Tuesday, 8 January 2008

What Will Be Your Life Song This Year?

Yesterday I read an article that asked the question: what will your life song be this year?


The second question follows. 

What Can You Celebrate in Your Life Today?


·         Sunday, 6 January 2008

I’ve Been Tagged…

My oldest nephew (the Hippie-Boy himself) sent this to me a while back (6 weeks or more…Yikes!)

See his delightful answers at: 


Look for the 14 Nov 2007 post, labeled I've been tagged

I impetuously punched out my answers in the late-night hours and then promptly forgot about this exercise until today.  Guess it is time to send it on…I will not go back and edit.  If I did, it would never be shared…but I must say, my answers would likely vary a bit from day to day.  Why?  Because I am inconsistent…no…(well maybe) but because life is not static…life is dynamic, always changing and offering us new opportunities and challenges, unexpected wisdom and sudden grace…can’t edit life or you never get around to living….

Try this exercise…

So now, I will hit send…Have fun...life is good…


I've been tagged...
I've been tagged to write about certain topics in blocks of eight.

Eight Passions In My Life

1.      My spouse…where would I be, who would I be, without this wonderful relationship with another human being?   I cannot imagine how Spartan my life would have been without my delightful husband, my best friend, m y companion, my alter-ego…

2.     Animals.   They keep us human.  We feed them and take care of them, but they love us so much.  Just look into the eyes of a dog or a cat and see absolute trust, love, humility, and see how passionate they are…they roll, run, leap, and play - they express their joy….they live in the now.  We can learn so much from them.

3.      Books….reading…what would the world be like without books…

4.     Words…whispered words, sweet nothings, confessions, stories, poetry, songs, novels, on and on…where would we be without this constant, delightful interplay…whispers in one another seas, nonsense words to babies, encouragement from a cheering crowd…sweet, sweet nothings, blogs, rants and rages…scripts, obituaries, love letters, movies, poem and prayers and promise and things that we believe in…(Oh dear, I am lapsing into a John Denver lyric!)

5.     Travel. gotta see it all, gotta try on feelings and cultures and try to understand…nothing better than a road trip, ‘cept maybe the pleasure of exploring a foreign city admiring the architecture and watching the sun going down…

6.     Music is in the background of life…it enhances everything.  It is celebration and gratitude and prayer…

7.     Camping and sitting by the fire – sooooo elemental and so centering and yet, primal.  Close your eyes…hear the crickets, feel the heat?

8.     Things of the spirit.  I find myself looking beyond the limitations of fading, finite forms to the things that are essential and real…This is a legacy from my parents who cultivated and nurtured this idea in me.  It frees me from much of the mortal dream – the limitations of time and money and material things…grief….it frees me to find beauty and joy and to share gratitude.

Eight Things to Do Before I Die

1.      Walk the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain

2.     Go to Polar Bear Camp in Churchill Canada

3.     Write a novel, even if it s not published…it is the process, not the destination..

4.     Sing, dance and spend time in the hammock with a book, whenever I get a chance

5.     Plant trees  - real ones and metaphorical ones (Read “The Man Who Planted Trees” and “Joy of Man’s Desiring” by Jean Giono

6.     Cultivate joy, nurture, share, remain enthusiastic and receptive …keep moving forward with awe and a sense of adventure…

7.     Keep working on #6

8.     Live more spiritually…a day by day by day process

Eight Things I Often Say

1.      “Oh, how fun!”…Was it fun?   Fun seems to pop up in y conversations as if it is the most important quality we can express…well, maybe it is!  Former Communists in Crimea did not really understand my middleclass, American fixation on fun…but I kept trying to teach them!

2.     “Life is good.”  It is good.  It bears repeating.

3.     “I am grateful for ______.”  (Fill in the blank)…I mean it.  The universe gives us sooo much and still so many people fixate o the bad…they whine, complain.  I have cultivated an attitude of gratitude.   Yep, I am grateful and in a world of whiny, unhappy people, I am grateful to be grateful.

4.     “More later…”  Yep there is always sooooo much stuff to share (yeah: fun stuff and stuff I am grateful for more adventures, more ideas, more funny stiff, and more good stiff…)

5.     “People act from their highest sense of right” – I believe this and I keep it in mind when I feel unforgiving, resentful or suspicious…it gives me perspective…

6.     “It is hard work to be polite and pleasant all day –anybody can be a jerk!”  I think people need to be kind to one another…so, be the change you want to see (re: Gandhi)

7.     “Look beyond fading finite forms…”…A Mary Baker Eddy (CS) quote…too often we get bogged down in the mortal lies and dreams, the miasma of what humans think is true.  We fail to se the Truth – that Life is spiritual and so are we.  We are not limited mortals struggling to survive – we are expressions of Divine Life, Truth and Love…

8.     God bye…and hello.  I’ve moved a lot, but I carry my friends with me in my heart and they continue to inform me and my choices as I make m way through the joys and challenges of life. 

Eight Books I Read Recently

1.      “The Man Who Planted Trees”….read it again and now am re-reading “Joy of Man’s Desiring”….Google it and read it!  And everything else the author wrote!

2.     Amy Tan’s latest novel, “Saving Fish from Drowning” – I like her style…but not this book so much.

3.     “Cesar’s Way” by Cesar Milan.  T is about learning to feel the energy that animals communicate with…The Dog Whisperer, as CM is called, has an amazing life and demonstrates how one can succeed ad contribute in unexpected ways. 

4.     My mind goes blank…since returning to USA I have been around people almost 24/7 and cannot steal away to indulge in pleasure reading.  I am, engaged in professional reading – management, recruiting, retention, etc…as I get up to speed for my next year as a Recruitment Consultant for a literacy coalition…I  am still drawn to things Russian (and Ukrainian)…my old favorite books call out to me from the boxes where they have patiently waited for the past 3 years…

5.     I spent the holidays reading through my wonderful collection of obscure children’s holiday books – great pictures and delightful stories.  I perched by the fireplace in the kitchen and sipped tea as I flipped through the pages of about thirty kid’s books.  Names?  Anther time… (FYI: I collect children’s picture books…many people do not know that about me.)

6.     Read Elie Weisel, Bulgokov, Proust, Hemingway, John Irving, Ann Tyler…

Eight Songs that Mean Something To Me

1.      Dan Fogelberg’s “Leader of the Band"…makes me teary…“

2.     “Ain't nothin’ gonna break my stride, oh no, I gotta keep on movin’….”  Somehow I love that song…Who wrote it?  Who sings it?  Why does it stay in my head?

3.     Afternoon Delight...another sloppy, sappy song….but hey…it makes me happy and even after all these years there’s nothing like fireworks to make me smile…Mark used to play it and dedicate it to me when he was DJ – also played “Witchy Woman”….

4.     Roberta Flack’s “First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”….married my high school sweetheart …what can I say.  He used to sing that song to me, looooong before Roberta Flack got a hold of it.

5.     Blackbird Singin’ in the Dead of Night”…gotta fly even when our wings are broken and bruised…

6.     Most any Beatles song…

7.     Several sloppy John Denver songs…

8.     Melanie…yep, Melanie songs….Hey, this is MY list!

9.     Carole King stuff – loooooved the “Tapestry” collection ….Oh, dear, I am off and running…I could fill a book with titles and snatches of lyrics…they bring back memories…I should hit delete and start over on this…Elton, John…Queen, Kansas, Meatloaf, Byrds,...musicals…all those great musicals…OK…gotta go…more later…  8-)

Eight Qualities I Look For in a Friend

1.      A sense of joy and abundance.  Gotta believe all things are possible and friends have to laugh fully and often...at themselves, at me and at life in general.  (I don’t tolerate toxic people or whiners or gossips…but I am polite.)

2.     Integrity – be who you are all the time and be proud of who you are! (Even if who you are is wishy-washy!)

3.     Kindness is very important – My Mom was kind and seldom said anything bad about anyone…a mark of integrity and maybe loyalty, but always kind…I want to be like her and I want friends to be like her!  (But, she had a wicked good sense of humor – no boring Pollyanna!)

4.     Humor and wit help navigate life and relationships (see #3)

5.     Don’t take themselves too seriously…willing to grow, open to change, and change and admit mistakes…(I have a hard time with complacent people)

6.     Non-judgmental…people who are comfortable in their own skins

7.     Willing to take a risk…

8.     Forgiving and loyal – willing to take a stand for another or support them even when you don’t agree.  Friendship is not for the weak or uncommitted!

9.     Willing to take a risk…content is good, but not complacency (sometimes  it’s = to money/security!)  Can’t live on fear…complacency is a curse and a prison…break free while there is time!

Eight People I'm Passing This On To

1.      Marty, my lifelong friend who encourages and motivates me and took care f me when I needed care….

2.     House-sitter Jim, who is such a good person.  He shows up like magic when you need him…  8-)

3.     Solange, who likes to think about life and shares a history in Camelot with me

4.     Carol, who has sardonic wit and will make me laugh…she’s known me forever…

5.     My baby girl…OK, she’s a grown woman and a wonderful human being…I am so lucky to have her in my life…

6.     Janeen, my oldest sister…she will think and write and laugh and share…a musician…Sisters are great…

7.     Rosemary, my other sister…the gentle spirit with the firm backbone…a reader and dancer…that says a lot about here…I repeat, sisters are great..

8.     My spouse…he is an authentic person, a velveteen rabbit whose fur has been rubbed off, a little prince who calls me his rose…my lover, my companion, my friend.


Morning Reverie

At sunrise, the world is quiet and the light is ethereal.  This time of year the air crackles.  Smoke rises from many houses across the valley.  The smell of pinion burning tickles my nose.  The snow on the mountains glistens as the sunrise spills across it. 


What a privileged it is to watch a baby-day being born.


As Zia and I walk past the Jeep, a large bird wings out the open windows.  I am not sure who was most startled by this. 


We pause and watch the bird settled in the tree above us.  Zia, cocks her head, puzzled and interested in the bird.  The bird stares down at us. 


I wonder if the bird frequents the shelter of the Jeep on a regular basis. 


I wonder what Zia is wondering. 


After a few moments, the cold drives me indoors to sip hot coffee by the fire.  And to say a little prayer of gratitude for the start of another beautiful day..


The thumb on my left hand gets numb these days.

I hold the leash in that hand so my thumb is generally immobile during the morning dog walk.  When I come indoors and happily warm myself by the fire, my thumb tingles and feels as if hot needles are being poked into it. 


My frostbite symptoms pale compared to my dog obedience challenges.  Miss Zia is a delinquent!  Yes, she is well-mannered around the house and even on urban walks (generally) and around the yard, but the morning dog walk has almost ceased to be the pleasure it should be.


Despite the chilling temps (10 degrees this AM) I often find myself sweating from the effort of controlling my exuberant three-legged, gazelle of a dog. I scramble along, avoiding yucca plants and ice, holding on to the leash with both hands.


She is powerful and has a personal agenda, which I have yet to decipher.

She lopes along, oblivious of me or the leash. 


Sometimes she yelps as she runs, sounding as if she has been hit by a car. It is a frightening sound.  


This is not a pleasure.


It is predicament. 


I have read and read and read and tried several techniques, with small successes.  But I still find myself holding on for dear life as Zia roars off ahead of me, dragging me behind. 


Miss Zia and I Go to College.

In February we begin our higher education. We will attend a weekly dog training (or is it human training?) class.  For thirteen weeks we will mingle with a pack of other canines and their human companions.   


One of us is bound to learn something!


Meanwhile, this obsessive doggie behavior keeps my mind off the cold and my frostbitten thumb.


 Why Does this Day Seem Soooooo Long?

I am at work, counting the hours till I can leave for the day.


I am restless and unfocused.  I have eaten too much candy and sipped too much coffee, but I was restless and unfocused before I overindulged. 


I have completed nothing today.


For a couple hours I was engaged in a small graphics project.  I set out to design some simple bookmarks to include in recruiting packages.  I hit a wall when I tried to print them.  They look fine in the print preview mode, but they morph significantly when I see them on paper.


After a couple hours wrestling unsuccessfully with that issue, I decided to put the project aside. 


It has been downhill since then.


A Belated Christmas Gift from my Nephew, Family and Friends

The other day I sat down with my usual cup of coffee to read my e-mail and found a wonderful and unexpected gift.  My oldest nephew sent me a query, which reached out and grabbed my heart. 


I stared at the screen, tears welling in my eyes, and read his gentle note.  I could describe it, but I will just paste it here.  My nephew’s note follows:


Hi Aunt V.
I have a thought. (I have to be careful not to spook it -- it's in an unusual place. My head.) Michelle S. and I were thinking of sending this out to Caleb's family and friends, but we thought we'd ask you first... What do you think? (I have a donation page set up already, and Michelle will do the same on her blog as well.)
Hi everyone.
I stumbled on something kinda neat... In Ohio there's a "Bikers' Memorial Wall," and I thought it would be nice to have Caleb's name added. It costs $150 to have a name added, but all proceeds go to a scholarship fund. I'm hoping if we can get fifteen people to donate ten bucks each, we can get Caleb's name etched on the wall...

You can learn more and donate a few dollars if you wish at http://www.radloffs.net/memorialwall

Northwest Iowa  ALR Vice Prez
Member PGR, VROC #6441, IRCC


Keeping alive the sweet spirit of our son, Caleb J. Pulver (Feb 1976-Feb 2002),…now that is truly a Christmas gift.


There are no words.  Even now, days after the initial e-mail, I find myself teary eyed and unable to find words for this gentle act. 


I can only say thank you…and it is a prayer of thanks.


·         Tuesday, 1 January 2008 – New Year’s Day!

E-Mail Excerpts…

Our New Years Eve?  We sat by the fireplace, ate wonderful gorgonzola cheese, sausage, peasant bread and sipped Russian vodka (homesick for Ukraine) while we watched and nearly choked laughing at a bootleg copy of "Hairspray"....what a riot!  We also watched "Enchanted"...not great, but fun.  I dozed between 11 PM and midnight (vodka...) but caught glimpses of Dick Clark - he finally got old!  His voice is old and he looks like he is wearing a Dick Clark mask...scary.    Outside, the were some fireworks at midnight, but pretty quiet...the stars are so bright and clear here so close to heaven...

This AM - Mark's tasty scones by the fire in the kitchen...the Rose Bowl parade is on...the organ donor float was amazing and we were choked up by it... (Thanks Christopher for your project...)  I have been reading Ukraine PCVs blogs this AM (see links below)..love the one about getting stuck in the elevator!  ...

Time to get dressed and walk the pup...it is bright and brisk...beautiful day.  You could ice skate on the koi pond today...clear ice and flat. We should try out the hot tub one of these days...I am off to watch the Rose Bowl parade - Mom always wanted to go see it live...maybe someday I will do that!  8-)

More later...life is good. (Scroll down for some quotes and a couple blogs that are fun!)

Sipping Hot Coffee on a Cold New Years Day

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ”
­Henry Ford (1863-1953) founder of Ford Motor Company

Gratitude is the intention to count-your-blessings every day, every minute, while avoiding, whenever possible, the belief that you need or deserve different circumstances.
- Timothy Miller
How To Want What You Have

"When man is governed by God, the ever-present Mind who understands all things, man knows that with God all things are possible."
-From Science and Health
by Mary Baker Eddy
And finally, a couple blog links...visit these sites for some interesting reads…
http://37days.typepad.com/37days/2007/05/eat_breakfast_o.html Eat Breakfast on a Lake...

A toast to all who have taken a journey of a lifetime
By Pedro Khoury   My mom did not want me to join Peace Corps. Going against the will of my family made my decision even harder, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I left to Ukraine and about five months later I called my mother. ...   
LatinosNJ - http://blog.latinosnj.com

You would think I would learn but noooooo
By Shannon Z.(Shannon Z.)    And how would I make the explosion go out of the elevator instead of in and ending up as Peace corps puree? Don’t be an idiot Shannon, it’s fizzy water, not TNT, the worst you could do is soak yourself and put your eye out with a flying ... 
The chaos that is Shannon - http://zimmermanzone.blogspot.com/

Resolving to Resolve or to be Resolute..Resolutions…

Often my New Years Day is a quiet time.  I think about the magic of a new year stretching out in front of me like a clean white chenille bedspread.  I can almost smell the fresh scent, the newness as it unfolds.


I like to look at my calendar and think about what lies ahead…make small plans and mark important dates. 


This year I want to choose a word to carry in my heart.  This word will guide my consciousness and lead me down new paths. 


In the past certain words have carried me along: gratitude, abundance, joy, complacency, integrity, commitment, openness, faith, and risk. 

I am waiting for a word to choose me.

I am flirting with some words.  Creativity, consciousness, listening, ritual/tradition, order, yes, mastery, kindness,






FYI: If you want to read about our

Peace Corps Ukraine adventures,

start with January 2005 - May 2007.


Now we are in AmeriCorps/VISTA adventures

Right here in Santa Fe, in the USA!

Life is good!
