Our Neighborhood!

Our modest flat (indicated by the arrow) is only two blocks from the Black Sea.


This photo looks south from the top of the Mitridate, a 90 meter burial mound in the City Center, just north of our flat.


The park is cattycorner from our home.


On the left is the park. There are small pavilions, fountains, cafes & several amusement rides.  In summer it is wonderful!   Mark walks through here everyday on his way to work.



This is what the walk heading south looks like.  There are often people fishing here.  To the right of this walk is the tree-filled park that parallels our boulevard.  The Ferris wheel is in that park.


Above is a snapshot of our boulevard.  Notice the street cleaner at work?  She is around all day, regardless of the weather, gathering up litter & debris, sweeping with a handmade straw broom.  In this photo, the park is on the right.)

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