This was one of my assignments for tutoring and I worked very hard on this only to get a very hearty laugh out of my Tutor.  She decided that the information needed to be put into a file that I could memorize and pass on to other people in Ukraine so she wrote this for me.  It is in Russian and I translated it back into English using a machine translation program and correcting some of the obvious errors  This is a condensed version of a standard two page resume and may or may not be entirely factual but it is fun to read and my boss decided after reading it that I maybe could teach them something about something during my time here and it did accelerate my assimilation into the library staff so how it relates my experience is correctly done for Ukraine.  


Я Марк Пулвер не обычный человек.  Я человек, имеющий много профессий и специальность, а также большой опыт работы. Я закончил много университетов и колледжей – их больше 10!  Среди моих профессий есть также: аналитик и компьютерный консультант малого бизнеса, преподаватель по компьютерному и телевизионному  производству, мастер по выделке коже и ткани, Компьютерный техник Microsoft , Web дизайнер, повар, менеджер предприятия, обойщик, сапожник, радио диктор, журналист, мастер по ремонтным работам и садовник.  Я очень много работал по своим  специальностям в разных странах.  Обычно я называю себя «мастер на все руки».  Работая по разным специальностям,  каждый раз я увеличивал  свой опыт.  Поскольку я «мастер на все руки» я способен видеть неправильные решения проблем владельцами предприятий.  Мой рабочий девиз: «Если есть возможность нужно действовать»,  Имея большое терпение, я смог доказать свой девиз.


Translation follows

I Mark Pulver am not an ordinary man.  I am a man, having a lot of professions and specialties, and also large experience. I went to many universities, and colleges*  –more than 10!  Among my professions is also: analyst and computer consultant of small business, teacher of computer and television production, master on working with skin and fabric, computer technician Microsoft, web designer, cook, business manager, upholster , cobbler, radio, announcer, journalist, master of home repairs  and master gardener.  I have worked on the specialties in different countries.  Usually I name itself «jack-of-all-trades».  Working on different specialties,  each time I multiplied  the experience.  As a «jack-of-all-trades» I am able to see different ways to solve the business problems then by the proprietors of enterprises.  My working motto: «There is always another way to accomplish the task»,  Having large patience, I am able to prove the motto.


Note:  A college in Ukraine is not the same as in America.  Here a trade school or specialty school certificate is awarded by a college.  Thus when it says universities and colleges it is referring to formal advanced schools and certification programs.